2021 Season Subscriptions

By prism theatre center (other events)

Sat, Aug 22 2020 8:00 PM EST Fri, Jan 15 2021 8:00 PM EST
  • Prism Theatre Center wants to see our patrons on a regular basis so we have developed several subscription packages. Our 11 show season boasts  a wide variety of shows to keep the entire community engaged. Please view our website and either select the entire season or choose your own package. There is a 20%-35% discount off of the general prices based on the size of the subscription you choose. We want to see our patrons as much as possible this season so the more you come see us the more you save!!
  • Each Show values at $25 single Admission. So for instance the entire season without a subscription would cost $275 our full season subscription is discounted to $180